WeCreativez WhatsApp Support
Nossa equipe de atendimento ao paciente está aqui para responder às suas perguntas.
Oi, em que posso ajudar?

Telefones: (92) 3348-5992 / (92) 98225-0220

Av. Jorn. Umberto Calderaro Filho, 455 Sala 1707

All Team Members

Dr. Mary Gill
Dr. Mary Gill
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Dr. Gill graduated ECFVG at Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary medicine Sciences.

Dr. Katie Stevens
Dr. Katie Stevens
Owner, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Dr. Stevens started working at the clinic in the summer of 2005. It was always her dream job as a kid.

Dr. Luke Carr
Dr. Luke Carr
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Dr. Carr graduated from the Veterinary Assistant course while working and have been here at DVC ever since.